Eric Hamber PAC
This website is devoted to the Eric Hamber Parent Advisory Council (PAC), supporting the students of Hamber Secondary located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Join our parent opt-in mailing list
The schedule for PAC meetings can be found in our calendar, including proposed agendas, or read past meeting minutes. Please contact us if you would like to propose an agenda item for a future meeting.
Stay informed by joining our parent opt-in mailing list below for [infrequent] email newsletters, or follow our Twitter feed (@HamberPAC, at right).
Your name and email address may be disclosed to our email service provider outside of Canada to manage and send you PAC information and emails. We will not disclose your email address to any other third party.
RT @VanDPAC: 1/ In less than 2 hours, we will be hosting the DPAC VSB Trustee Candidate Forum. #vanpoli Online event, moderated…
RT @VSB39: Changes are coming to #VSB39 secondary student schedules for Quarter 3, beginning February 4, 2021. Here is a summa…
RT @VanDPAC: DPAC Parent Survey: We're asking parents about their school year so far, what they'd like to improve. This will he…
RT @VSB39: #VSB39 Parents/Families, have a question for the Board Chair and Vice-Chair? Submit your question TODAY & tune-in o…
Here's an opportunity to ask questions and learn more
RT @Rob_Fleming: Across BC, schools and districts are developing out-of-classroom education plans for students. In the meantime, par…