Hamber Seismic Replacement News - 02/09/19
Here’s how to help build Hamber right:
Attend the upcoming Facilities Planning meeting on February 13th at 7:00pm at the VSB Boardroom, 1580 West Broadway.
Sign our PETITION. Forward to your friends and family to sign.
Write a letter to your MLA, copy it to the trustees and to the VSB.
(Letter writing instructions can be found at the end of this post.)
Thank you to those of you who attended the VSB board meeting on Jan 28th.
To our shock and disbelief, the Vancouver School Board trustees did not make a motion on our behalf to pause and allow for proper consultation to take place in the designing of the new Eric Hamber. They also did not motion to advocate on our behalf to the Ministry of Education to increase the footprint and allocated budget to get Hamber built right.
The next Facilities Planning Meeting is on Wednesday, February 13th at 7:00pm at the VSB. There will be other groups, including students, parents making delegations at this meeting about the Hamber seismic project. We need to give them a strong show of support so please make every effort to attend the meeting on the 13th!
This Feb. 13th Facilities Planning Committee meeting will also be the only public forum to hear the results of the VSB survey that we were asked to complete. We are asking for as many people as possible to please attend this meeting! (Please note that at last VSB board meeting, we learned that instead of a summary of your written feedback, the trustees will now be given copies of ALL the surveys to review and consider).
Some more amazing letters have been written. Please read the letters from two Hamber teachers, a Hamber counsellor, a Hamber grad, class of ‘72, and one from a grade 9 student!
Write a letter of your own to the Minister of Education, your local MLA, and trustees.
The Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Education EDUC.Minister@gov.bc.ca
The Honourable George Heyman, MLA for Vancouver-Fairview george.heyman.mla@leg.bc.ca
The Honourable Michael Lee, MLA for Vancouver-Langara michael.lee.MLA@leg.bc.ca
Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman, Vancouver School Board shoffman@vsb.bc.ca
With copy to All VSB Trustees:
Janet Fraser, Chairperson janet.fraser@vsb.bc.ca
Allan Wong, allan.wong@vsb.bc.ca
Fraser Ballantyne, fraser.ballantyne@vsb.bc.ca
Lois Chan-Pedley, lois.chan-pedley@vsb.bc.ca
Carmen Cho, carmen.cho@vsb.bc.ca
Estrellita Gonzalez, estrellita.gonzalez@vsb.bc.ca
Oliver Hanson, oliver.hanson@vsb.bc.ca
Barb Parrott, barbara.parrott@vsb.bc.ca
Jennifer Reddy, jennifer.reddy@vsb.bc.ca